
News from all sources in one place


Our news platform was created to help you navigate the flood of information by offering a unique tool for comparing news from different sources. We provide the ability to see the full picture, read between the lines of media bias, and make informed decisions, free from algorithmic bias.

Compare news sources:

We aggregate information from multiple sources so you can compare their versions of the same event.
This helps identify potential bias and differences in the presentation of information.

Free from algorithms:

Unlike traditional social networks and news feeds, our aggregator does not adapt to your preferences.
This helps to avoid the effects of the «information bubble».

Usability and ease of use:

Clear interface, where you can easily find news by topic, region or keyword.
Ability to set up notifications for news that interest you.

Analysis tools:

Media bias indicator helps you determine what tone the source uses (neutral, positive, negative).
Ability to view the chronology of changes and additions to news.


We show where each news item comes from and provide data on the trust and rating of the source.
We exclude sensationalism and fake news.


News in the form of text, video, infographics and analytical summaries.
The ability to switch between a brief overview and in-depth analysis.

How does it work?

Data collection:

The platform aggregates news from trusted sources around the world.

Comparison and classification:

Algorithms analyze information, sorting it by topic, tone of delivery, and geographic coverage.

Bias analysis:

Special metrics help identify possible subjectivity in the coverage of events.

Access to the full picture:

Users see key aspects of a story from different perspectives, allowing them to form their own opinion.

Save your inspirations

If you are interested in something, there is probably something special about it. You can store any material from the Internet in your space without distractions, so you can focus on it and let your ideas run free.

Use NEWS your way

There are many ways to use. Some people use the app to save content every day so they can read it later at a convenient time. Collectibles enthusiasts use the app to save all the content they want to read, watch, listen to, or buy.

Share your opinion

Possibility to leave comments on publications. People exchange their opinions.


Great resource! Thanks to the availability of information, we have the opportunity to analyze and draw conclusions from the news
Troyan Balkanski
I am pleased with the user-friendly interface, which is easy to navigate. You can quickly find the topic you are interested in or set up notifications so as not to miss anything. Many thanks to the team for their professionalism and thoughtfulness!
Bistra Mitrova










Over 50 thousand local, national and international news sources
Unlimited article comparison
Detailed offset comparison mechanism



All Premium Plan Features
Ownership of stories
Unlimited bias analysis of my news
Your best sources
Your bias in the article

About us

The idea of ​​creating a news platform that would help people navigate the information flow was born in 2015.

The company’s founders are a group of journalists, analysts, and developers united by a common goal: to create a tool that would return access to honest and unbiased news to the audience.

The inspiration for this project came from changes in the media space. Social networks and algorithms began to dictate what people see in their feeds, often limiting access to alternative points of view. The founders of the company decided that it was time to change this situation.

News from all sources in one place

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